Permaculture projects…

Permaculture Circle

I facilitate Cityplot’s Permaculture Circle - an ongoing series of once-a-month meetings, focusing on the Permaculture Principles.


Our monthly, donation-based ‘Circles’ are structured around the 12 Permaculture Principles (one Principle per session) and always include an activity, skill or resource related to the principle. Engaging with the Principles at the heart of Permaculture is fundamental to understanding how we can have a positive impact on the world around us.

We try to create an environment where the roles of teaching and learning are fluid. Circles are highly interactive, flexible and participatory, and participants are encouraged and supported to lead their own skill-shares and present related topic material if they feel called (and would like) to do so. 
In 2022, we have two groups of 8-10 which are full. If you’re interested in participating, reach out! We might a third group in June.

Wald & Wild

Wald&Wild (W&W) is Cityplot’s Permaculture site in North Brandenburg, where I work and train on-site.


Over the last four years, Permaculture Designer and Architect Leonie Woidt-Wallisser (with her team of family & friends) has designed and implemented a long-term, ongoing process of regeneration. Water-management, soil-building, restoring biodiversity and resilience has been key to this project from its onset, as well as a perennial Forest Garden and annual polyculture beds for food sufficiency. Leonie has taken me under her wing and offered year-round, weekly on-site work experience in this immersive, full-scale Permaculture project.

This was my first full-year working consistently at one site. One main take-away has been to let the landscape teach. Wald & Wild is a teacher. I’m starting to feel a growing relationship of respect, curiosity and trust between myself and these grounds.

Glogauer 13

Community garden in the heart of Kreuzberg.


This hidden garden has been run by a group of hard-working neighbours since 2011. This year, we plan a garden re-structuring that means we’ll have more shared-beds and community oriented gardening.

A broad-range of gardening experience means lots of room for learning, re-learning, un-learning and experimenting. We hope to bring more Permaculture into the programme and are set on regenerating on-site soil to grow healthy, thriving garden beds next year.